Ru(0001) - 0.1 M HClO4
echemdb identifier: alves_2011_electrochemistry_6010_f1a_solid
A cyclic voltammogramm for Ru(0001) recorded in 0.1 M HClO4 at a scan rate of 0.05 \(\mathrm{V\,s^{-1}}\) from Figure 1a in O. B. Alves et al. Electrochemistry at Ru(0001) in a flowing CO-saturated electrolyte—reactive and inert adlayer phases. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(13):6010–6021, 2011.
Further information
The figure shows digitized data.
The Ru(0001) electrode was prepared by:
Details on the electrochemical system (yaml)
- function: reference electrode
name: REF
manufacturer: homemade
type: RHE
- crystallographic orientation: '0001'
function: working electrode
material: Ru
name: WE
preparation procedure:
- Sputtering and flash annealing under UHV conditions with repeated cycles of
oxygen adsorption and desorption.
unit: mm
value: 2
type: hat shaped
manufacturer: MaTecK
- name: H2O
unit: volume percent
value: 100
quality: ultrapure water
refinement: Millipore MilliQ
type: solvent
- concentration:
unit: mol / l
value: 0.1
name: HClO4
supplier: Merck Suprapur
type: acid
value: 1
unit: K
value: 298.15
type: aqueous
type: electrochemical
Citation key (bibtex)
author = {Alves, Otavio B and Hoster, Harry E and Behm, Rolf J{\"u}rgen},
title = "Electrochemistry at Ru(0001) in a flowing CO-saturated electrolyte—reactive and inert adlayer phases",
journal = "Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics",
volume = "13",
number = "13",
pages = "6010--6021",
year = "2011",
publisher = "Royal Society of Chemistry",
abstract = "We investigated the electrochemical oxidation and reduction processes on ultrahigh vacuum prepared, smooth and structurally well-characterized Ru(0001) electrodes in a CO-saturated and, for comparison, in a CO-free flowing HClO4 electrolyte by electrochemical methods and by comparison with previous structural data. Structure and reactivity of the adsorbed layers are largely governed by a critical potential of E = 0.57 V, which determines the onset of Oad formation on the COad saturated surface in the positive-going scan and of Oadreduction in the negative-going scan. Oad formation proceeds via nucleation and 2D growth of high-coverage Oad islands in a surrounding COad phase, and it is connected with COadoxidation at the interface between the two phases. In the negative-going scan, mixed (COad + Oad) phases, most likely a (2 $\times$ 2)-(CO + 2O) and a (2$\times$2)-(2CO + O), are proposed to form at E $<$ 0.57 V by reduction of the Oad-rich islands and CO adsorption into the resulting lower-density Oad structures. CO bulk oxidation rates in the potential range E $>$ 0.57 V are low, but significantly higher than those observed during oxidation of pre-adsorbed CO in the CO-free electrolyte. We relate this to high local COad coverages due to CO adsorption in the CO-saturated electrolyte, which lowers the CO adsorption energy and thus the barrier for COadoxidation during CO bulk oxidation."
Details about the original figure in the publicaton (yaml).
comment: ''
- name: E
orientation: x
reference: RHE
type: number
unit: V
- name: j
orientation: y
type: number
unit: mA / cm2
measurement type: CV
scan rate:
unit: V / s
value: 0.05
simultaneous measurements: []
type: digitized
version: 1
Details about the curation process of this entry (yaml).
- date: '2021-07-09'
name: Albert Engstfeld
role: curator
- date: '2022-01-21'
name: Albert Engstfeld
role: reviewer