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Ag(100) - 0.09 M NaF + 0.01 M NaOH

echemdb identifier: horswell_2004_a_10970_f1a_dashed tags: BCV

A cyclic voltammogramm for Ag(100) recorded in 0.09 M NaF + 0.01 M NaOH at a scan rate of 50.0 \(\mathrm{mV\,s^{-1}}\) from Figure 1a in S. L. Horswell et al. A comparative study of hydroxide adsorption on the (111), (110), and (100) faces of silver with cyclic voltammetry, ex situ electron diffraction, and in situ second harmonic generation. Langmuir, 20(25):10970–10981, 2004.

Further information

The figure shows digitized data.

The Ag(100) electrode was prepared by:

Comment left by the curator on the published figure Hg/HgO ref. is 0.165 V vs the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE ~ SHE). The scan rate is not mentioned in the publication, but can be calculated from the integrated charge provided in the publication, resulting in 50 mV / s.


Details on the electrochemical system (yaml)
- function: counter electrode
  material: Pt
  name: CE
    type: ring
- function: reference electrode
  name: REF
  type: Hg/HgO/0.1 M NaOH
- crystallographic orientation: '100'
  function: working electrode
  material: Ag
  name: WE
  preparation procedure:
    - Ag surface prepared with NaCN/H2O2 etching.
    - Annealing in an H2 flame under Ar.
  - concentration:
      unit: mol / l
      value: 0.09
    name: NaF
    type: salt
  - name: water
    type: solvent
  - concentration:
      unit: mol / l
      value: 0.01
    name: NaOH
    type: base
    unit: K
    value: 298.15
  type: aqueous
type: electrochemical
Citation key (bibtex)
    author = "Horswell, Sarah L and Pinheiro, Alexei LN and Savinova, Elena R and Danckwerts, Matthias and Pettinger, Bruno and Zei, Mau-Scheng and Ertl, Gerhard",
    title = "A comparative study of hydroxide adsorption on the (111), (110), and (100) faces of silver with cyclic voltammetry, ex situ electron diffraction, and in situ second harmonic generation",
    journal = "Langmuir",
    volume = "20",
    number = "25",
    pages = "10970--10981",
    year = "2004",
    publisher = "ACS Publications"
Details about the original figure in the publicaton (yaml).
comment: Hg/HgO ref. is 0.165 V vs the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE ~ SHE). The
  scan rate is not mentioned in the publication, but can be calculated from the integrated
  charge provided in the publication, resulting in 50 mV / s.
- name: E
  orientation: x
  reference: Hg/HgO/0.1M NaOH
  type: number
  unit: V
- name: j
  orientation: y
  type: number
  unit: uA / cm2
measurement type: CV
scan rate:
  unit: mV / s
  value: 50.0
simultaneous measurements: []
type: digitized
version: 1
Details about the curation process of this entry (yaml).
- date: '2021-10-18'
  name: Markus Schilling
  role: curator
- date: '2022-01-21'
  name: Albert Engstfeld
  role: reviewer