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Pt(111) - 0.001 M HClO4 + 0.1 M KClO4 + 0.001 M KCl

echemdb identifier: li_2000_chronocoulometric_95_f1_dotted tags: BCV

A cyclic voltammogramm for Pt(111) recorded in 0.001 M HClO4 + 0.1 M KClO4 + 0.001 M KCl at a scan rate of 20.0 \(\mathrm{mV\,s^{-1}}\) from Figure 1 in N. Li et al. Chronocoulometric studies of chloride adsorption at the Pt(111) electrode surface. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 491(1-2):95–102, 2000.

Further information

The figure shows digitized data.

The Pt(111) electrode was prepared by:

Comment left by the curator on the published figure The scan rate is not given in the publication. It was manually determined from the charge integration as 20 mV / s.


Details on the electrochemical system (yaml)
- function: counter electrode
  material: Pt
  name: CE
    type: coil
- function: reference electrode
  name: REF
  type: SCE
- crystallographic orientation: '111'
  function: working electrode
  geometric electrolyte contact area:
    unit: cm2
    value: 0.043
  material: Pt
  name: WE
  preparation procedure:
    - A Pt single crystal bead was cut along the (111) orientation.
    - The electrode was annealed in a hydrogen+air flame.
    - Cooled in a hydrogen atmosphere.
    - Quenched with ultrapure water.
  - concentration:
      unit: mmol / l
      value: 1
    name: HClO4
    type: acid
  - name: water
    type: solvent
  - concentration:
      unit: mol / l
      value: 0.1
    name: KClO4
    type: salt
  - concentration:
      unit: mmol / l
      value: 1
    name: KCl
    type: salt
    value: 3
    unit: K
    value: 298.15
  type: aqueous
type: electrochemical
Citation key (bibtex)
    author = "Li, Nanhai and Lipkowski, Jacek",
    title = "Chronocoulometric studies of chloride adsorption at the Pt(111) electrode surface",
    journal = "Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry",
    volume = "491",
    number = "1-2",
    pages = "95--102",
    year = "2000",
    publisher = "Elsevier"
Details about the original figure in the publicaton (yaml).
comment: The scan rate is not given in the publication. It was manually determined
  from the charge integration as 20 mV / s.
- name: E
  orientation: x
  reference: SCE
  type: number
  unit: mV
- name: j
  orientation: y
  type: number
  unit: uA / cm2
measurement type: CV
scan rate:
  unit: mV / s
  value: 20.0
simultaneous measurements: []
type: digitized
version: 1
Details about the curation process of this entry (yaml).
- date: '2021-11-17'
  name: Markus Schilling
  role: curator
- date: '2022-01-21'
  name: Albert Engstfeld
  role: reviewer