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Au(111) - 0.1 M KClO4 + 0.001 M KI

echemdb identifier: lipkowski_1998_ionic_2875_f1a_i tags: BCV

A cyclic voltammogramm for Au(111) recorded in 0.1 M KClO4 + 0.001 M KI at a scan rate of 10.0 \(\mathrm{mV\,s^{-1}}\) from Figure 1a in J. Lipkowski et al. Ionic adsorption at the Au(111) electrode. Electrochimica acta, 43(19-20):2875–2888, 1998.

Further information

The figure shows digitized data.

Preparation procedure not available.

Comment left by the curator on the published figure No information about counter electrode available.


Details on the electrochemical system (yaml)
- function: reference electrode
  name: REF
  type: SCE
- crystallographic orientation: '111'
  function: working electrode
  material: Au
  name: WE
  - concentration:
      unit: mol / l
      value: 0.1
    name: KClO4
    type: salt
  - name: water
    type: solvent
  - concentration:
      unit: mmol / l
      value: 1
    name: KI
    type: salt
    unit: K
    value: 298.15
  type: aqueous
type: electrochemical
Citation key (bibtex)
    author = "Lipkowski, Jacek and Shi, Zhichao and Chen, Aicheng and Pettinger, Bruno and Bilger, Christoph",
    title = "Ionic adsorption at the Au(111) electrode",
    journal = "Electrochimica acta",
    volume = "43",
    number = "19-20",
    pages = "2875--2888",
    year = "1998",
    publisher = "Elsevier"
Details about the original figure in the publicaton (yaml).
comment: No information about counter electrode available.
- name: E
  orientation: x
  reference: SCE
  type: number
  unit: V
- name: j
  orientation: y
  type: number
  unit: uA / cm2
measurement type: CV
scan rate:
  unit: mV / s
  value: 10.0
simultaneous measurements: []
type: digitized
version: 1
Details about the curation process of this entry (yaml).
- date: '2021-10-21'
  name: Markus Schilling
  role: curator
- date: '2022-01-21'
  name: Albert Engstfeld
  role: reviewer